Sunday, October 13, 2013

Instant 2 Minutes of Peace

This is my new favorite website - bless the people who came up with it! 

I am so busy, splitting myself between school, home, and writing - I just don't have much time to stop and breathe.  I have so much to do to even keep the house in order with three rambunctious boys, let alone finish little projects like giving the dogs a doggie door. I'm a big fan of yoga, but my time to do even that is so short that I often go weeks without any decompression.  Even my garden is barely pulling through this year, and life is just stress, stress, stress!

And then a friend showed me this. It's genius.
After opening the site on my laptop or phone app, I pop in my earbuds. Then I scroll through natural scenes until just the right combination of visual beauty and natural white noise takes me to a more peaceful place.  A voice leads me in directed relaxation for the pre-selected time of my choosing.  

For those few minutes, I can set my worries aside.  There is plenty of time to be consumed by the rush of life. But for now, this is my time to connect with myself. By having a mental health moment, I can recharge enough to be all the things I need to be.  If I'm lucky, there might even be a nice vinyasa in my future!

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