Sunday, September 22, 2013

Shatter Me Series

    People seem to either love how this book is written or hate it.  I'm one who loved it.  It's different. It's compelling - it makes you feel like you are part of the main character's mind.  It is so hard to really crawl into the mind of someone else, leaving behind your own way of thinking.  That is the very most powerful part of this book for me.

    The second part of this book I loved was the development of the bad guy.  He was so much more dynamic than I've usually seen.  Usually, you end up with just Mr. Superbad, and you don't get anything else about him.  In this one, there is just so much more development.  I found myself wanting to hate him less, and perhaps really understand where he was coming from.

    My only wish for this book was that the main character was more sure of herself.  She seems to make a lot decisions based off of seeking attention from her love interests.  She didn't choose things which were good for her happiness.  Instead, she made her decisions off her loveless childhood, desperate for love now.  The last book will be out soon, and I hope the protagonist will grow out of her neediness, finding a reason to value herself beyond what a man sees in her.


  1. I really love this series too. I think the way it's written makes me connect more with how she's feeling. I also have a LOT of mixed feelings. I love when I 'love' a bad guy, when he's maybe not a bad guy. Or not ALL bad.

  2. Ya, really. It will be interesting to see how that evolves in the next book!
