Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Review: Mind Games by Kiersten White

I loved this book.

Like, couldn't-put-it-down-read-through-it-unbearably-fast-and-now-am-aching-for-the-next-one-in-the-series-kind-of-love.  If I could give it a twenty on a five point scale, I seriously would.

So, the gist of this is that there's people in the world who have psychic abilities.  You know - read minds, see the future - and they are brought to this school.  This isn't the usual school - but we're not talking x-men either.  It's a bad school with some really negative agendas.  The story circles around a pair of sisters with different abilities, and...

That's all I'm going to say.  Every piece of this book is fascinating and I feel like if I give anything more - anything at all - I rob you of the opportunity to discover it yourself.

That said, you should just read it.  Right now.  Get on Amazon - call in sick to your job - make you mom take the kids - don't go to school - whatever it is that you need to do to have a day with your kindle.

It's worth it.

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